2022 The 8th Taiwan in my eyes 120h - Sustainability On The Go
  • 活動報名即日起至2021年12月13日(一)
  • 活動狀態報名結束
  • 活動日期2022/1/24-27
The event deploys team style participation over 5 days of activities, during which team members will visit several benchmark enterprises to conduct on-site field visits exploring sustainability dimensions; there is also much free time during the activity period, provided for teams to visit their own selected sites to explore Taiwan’s sustainability dimensions, and during the five days at least six self-selected sites must be visited.
The self-selected sites there must have connections to the 17 SDGs.


主辦單位Host Organizations

活動對象Eligible Participants

Undergraduate and postgraduate students in Taiwan.


報名費用 Fees:免費參加 Free
報名日期 Deadline:即日起至2021年12月13日(星期一)止。Until Dec 13 (Mon.)
The activity relies on team effort, with self-formed teams, and the team serves as the unit of participation for completion of the team registration form.
每隊為4人,預計招收12個隊伍,共計48位學員。四人國籍皆須不相同且須為同校生,同時須包含一位本國籍學生。 每人僅可報名一隊,不可重複報名。
Each team must be composed of 4 persons, and we anticipate 12 teams participating, for a total of 48 students. The four team members must be from the same university, the three members should be of different foreign nationalities and the other one must from Taiwan. Each person may only register for one team, and no duplicative registration is permitted.
If there are any counterfeit or misleading declarations contrary to truth, the organizers reserve the right to cancel the entire team’s registration qualifications.
Those whom have participated in Taiwan in My Eyes 120h in the past are not eligible of rejoining this event.


實地探索獎學金Experiential Discovery Activity Scholarships
Each team member with NT$6,000, for a total of NT$24,000 per team, helping defray the actual costs of each team member’s per diem travel, room and board expenses associated with each experiential discovery site, and for any other incidental expenses, the teams shall be responsible for their own expenses.
中鼎國際交流獎學金CTCI Exchange Scholarships
On the date of the Results Presentation Event, each team will make a fifteen-minute presentation about their on-site discovery experiences, with the organizer providing scholarships for one team in:
First Placein the amount of NT$100,000;
For two teams in Second Placein the amount of NT$50,000 per team;
For four teams in Third Placein the amount of NT$30,000;
and for the remaining five teams each a scholarship in the amount of NT$20,000.
最佳人氣獎Most Popular Award
Each team of participants must submit a 5-minute video composed from exploring Vlog to the organizer by July 17, 2020. A 2-week long competition will be held on the Facebook page of organizer to select the most popular video. A presentation will be held on August 1, 2020 for the final round selection. The winner will receive NTD$10,000


線上報名:即日起至2021年12月13日(一) 23:59截止
Online registration:Now ~ Until Dec 13 (Mon.) 23:59.

Teams should complete the team itinerary plan for participation in the event, which may be in any format or style before Dec 13 ,2021. The teams can select from field visits, corporate visits, community revitalization, and living environments to undertake their discovery. Only a total of 12 teams will be chosen.
入圍公佈:2021年12月30日(四) 於官網及粉絲專頁公告
Finalists Announcement:Dec 30 (Thurs.) at Official website and Official Facebook
Opening Ceremony and Site Discovery : January 22, 2022、January 24, 2022 ~ January 27, 2022
活動簡章 Guidelinehttps://reurl.cc/bnq53l
報名鏈結 Registration Formhttps://reurl.cc/V576N6
活動官網 Official Websitehttps://reurl.cc/0xQadY
The organizers reserve the right to amend, cancel, or change any event content or details, and all information shall be deemed authoritative in accord with publishing on the official website only.