2024 The 10th Taiwan in my eyes 120h-Fantastic Ten
- 活動報名即日起至2023年12月29日(五)12:00
- 活動狀態活動報名中

The event deploys team style participation over 5 days of activities, during which team members will visit several benchmark enterprises to conduct on-site field visits exploring sustainability dimensions; there is also much free time during the activity period, provided for teams to visit their own selected sites to explore Taiwan’s sustainability dimensions, and during the five days at least six self-selected sites must be visited. The self-selected sites there must have connections to the 17 SDGs.
The event deploys team style participation over 5 days of activities, during which team members will visit several benchmark enterprises to conduct on-site field visits exploring sustainability dimensions; there is also much free time during the activity period, provided for teams to visit their own selected sites to explore Taiwan’s sustainability dimensions, and during the five days at least six self-selected sites must be visited. The self-selected sites there must have connections to the 17 SDGs.
主辦單位 Host Organizations中鼎教育基金會(CTCIEF)、台灣永續能源研究基金會(TAISE)
活動對象Eligible Participants
國內大專院校之大學部同學、碩博士生 (交換生亦可)Undergraduate and postgraduate students in Taiwan( Exchange Students accepted).
免費報名 Free報名日期 Deadline:即日起至2023年12月29日(五)12:00 止。
Now ~ Until Dec 29 (Fri.), 2023 12:00.
The activity is team-based, please create your own team, and the team serves as the participation unit when completing the registration form.
請下載報名附件檔案:附件一 - 學生證正反面影本(在學證明)、附件二 -參賽推薦書以及附件三 - 家長同意書(僅未滿18歲在學學生填寫回傳)。
The attachments please download from: https://reurl.cc/7MblOl. The attachment 1 and 2 are required, and attachment 3 should be provided if you are under 18 years old.
Each team is required to have four members, and we are expecting the participation of 12 teams, which amounts to a total of 48 students. Each team is structured with one local student serving as the team leader and primary point of contact. Additionally, each team comprises three students from diverse national backgrounds. Importantly, all four students within a team must hold different nationalities, and they should all be degree-seeking students from the same university. Each person may only register for one team, and duplicative registration is not allowed. If there are any counterfeit or misleading declarations contrary to the truth, the organizers reserve the right to cancel the entire team’s registration qualifications.
Those who have participated in Taiwan in My Eyes 120h in the past are not eligible to rejoining this event.
實地探索獎學金 Field Discovery Activity Scholarships每人新台幣7仟元、合計每隊新台幣2萬8仟元,俾補助各隊進行實地探索活動之差旅與食宿費用,若有其他衍生費用,敬請各隊自理。
Each team member with NT$7,000, for a total of NT$28,000 per team, helping defray the actual costs of each team member’s per diem travel, room and board expenses associated with each experiential discovery site, and for any other incidental expenses, the teams shall be responsible for their own expenses.
The scholarship will be distributed in two installments: the initial $4,000 will be disbursed, and the remaining $3,000 will be released after participating in the Results Presentation Event. If, during the event, it is confirmed that the team has violated the rules or withdrawn due to non-force majeure factors, each student must return the disbursed $4,000, and all members of the team will be disqualified from participating in any future competition events organized by the host.
Each team member with NT$7,000, for a total of NT$28,000 per team, helping defray the actual costs of each team member’s per diem travel, room and board expenses associated with each experiential discovery site, and for any other incidental expenses, the teams shall be responsible for their own expenses.
The scholarship will be distributed in two installments: the initial $4,000 will be disbursed, and the remaining $3,000 will be released after participating in the Results Presentation Event. If, during the event, it is confirmed that the team has violated the rules or withdrawn due to non-force majeure factors, each student must return the disbursed $4,000, and all members of the team will be disqualified from participating in any future competition events organized by the host.
中鼎國際交流獎學金 CTCI International Scholarships
On the date of the Final Presentation Competition and Award Ceremony, each team will make a tweleve-minute presentation about their on-site discovery experiences, with the organizer providing scholarships for one team in
最佳人氣獎 Best Popularity Award
First Placein the amount of NT$100,000;
For two teams in Second Placein the amount of NT$50,000 per team;
For four teams in Third Placein the amount of NT$30,000;
and for the remaining five teams each a scholarship in the amount of NT$20,000.
Each team of participants must submit a 5-minute video composed from exploring Vlog to the organizer by Feb 16 (Fri.), 2024. A 2-week long competition will be held on the Facebook page select the most popular video.The result will be shown on the result presentation and the winner will receive NTD$10,000.
The result of the Best Popularity Award is based on the background data of the organizer’s Facebook page.
Each team of participants must submit a 5-minute video composed from exploring Vlog to the organizer by Feb 16 (Fri.), 2024. A 2-week long competition will be held on the Facebook page select the most popular video.The result will be shown on the result presentation and the winner will receive NTD$10,000.
The result of the Best Popularity Award is based on the background data of the organizer’s Facebook page.
線上報名:即日起至2023年12月29日(五) 12:00截止
Online registration:Now ~ Until Dec 29 (Fri.), 2023 12:00.
企劃書篩選:隊伍於報名結束前(12月29日 12:00)繳交探索旅遊企劃書,格式不限,內容詳述自選點規劃,須涵蓋台灣本島(北、中、南或東地區)至少6處與聯合國永續發展目標相關聯之單位且設計成一條富含永續意涵之遊程路線
The team must submit an itinerary plan before the registration deadline (December 29). The format is flexible, but it should provide a detailed plan for a self-selected route that covers at least six locations in Taiwan (Northern, Central, Southern, or Eastern regions) related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The proposed route should be designed to incorporate sustainable elements. Teams can explore through field research, business visits, community revitalization, and environmental assessments, among other activities. The organizers will select 12 primary teams and several backup teams.
入圍公佈:2024年1月04日(四) 於官網及粉絲專頁公告,並將於一周內發函至錄取隊伍所屬學校。
Finalists Announcement:Jan 04 (Thurs.), 2024 at Official website and Official Facebook fan page.
The official letter will be sent to the selected teams’respective universities within a week.
The official letter will be sent to the selected teams’respective universities within a week.
Opening Ceremony and Discovery Field Trip : Jan 22(Mon.),2024~Jan 26(Fri.),2024
成果發表會暨評選會議:2024年3月9日(六) 08:00至15:00
Final Presentation Competition and Awards Ceremony : Mar 9(Sat.),2024 08:00-15:00
Final Presentation Competition and Awards Ceremony : Mar 9(Sat.),2024 08:00-15:00
The organizers reserve the right to amend, cancel, or change any event content or details, and all information shall be deemed authoritative in accord with publishing on the official website only.