2023 International Conference on Integrated and Innovative Solutions for Circular Economy
Organizer:CTCI Education Foundation (CTCIEF), Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University
Co-organizer:Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE), Center for Corporate Sustainability (TCCS)
Venue:Tseng Jiang Hall, National Taiwan University (Chemical Engineering北棟) No. 6, Ln. 10, Zhoushan Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Date:International Conference: Wednesday, 18, October, 2023
Roundtable Discussion: Thursday, 19, October, 2023
Workshop Themes:
Net Zero Circular Economy淨零循環經濟
Governance and road maps
Integration of energy and resources
Circular technology and materials innovation
TCFD related financial disclosures and carbon border tax
Sustainable finance
Digital Transformation 數位轉型
Digital technologies (blockchain, IoT, automation, and AI)
Data-driven decision-making and system integration
Sustainability-minded innovation
Leveraging digital technologies
Collaborative and decentralized business models
Sustainable Supply Chain Management 永續供應鏈管理
Circular supply chain design and optimization
Sustainable procurement and supplier management
Logistics and transportation management
Measuring and reporting on circularity
Evaluating the economic and environmental benefits